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The information contained within this website is not a substitute for professional advice such as a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, Counsellor or any other certified professional. The information provided by this website does not constitute legal or professional advice neither is it intended to be.
We are not doctors, nutritionists, or any other type of medical professionals certified by any professional regulatory body or agency. We do not provide counselling, medical, psychological, legal, financial, or accounting services, or any other form of professional services.
Always consult your doctor before any change in your diet or medication or before starting an exercise regime. We will never advise you on medication but we may promote the benefits of exercise and proper nutrition. You are solely responsible for seeking appropriate medical advice before any change in your diet or exercise regime.
We cannot and do not provide medical treatment of any type. If we believe you require medical or other professional treatment of any nature, we reserve the right to immediately terminate correspondence and the Services and may refer you to a qualified medical professional.


Any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio or any of it's companies liable for any actions that you take. You agree not to hold Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio, any of it's companies, or any employees of Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio or any of it's companies, liable for any loss or cost incurred by you, or any person related or associated with you, as a result of materials or techniques, or coaching, offered by Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio or any of it's companies.


This information shown on this website or expressed during sessions is intended to be general information with respect to common issues. Information is offered in good faith - you do not have to use this information.


You shall indemnify Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio or any of it's companies and their associates, in the event of any such claim, including but not limited to any claims made against Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio or any of it's companies, by any person related or associated with you. Nothing in the content materials shall be considered legal, financial, or actuarial advice.


Rates are guaranteed not to change with exception to "specials".


Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio or any of it's companies reserves the right to refuse comments or service for any reason.


Results are not guaranteed. Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio or any of it's companies holds no responsibility for the actions, choices, or decisions taken or made by any person.


Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals (Physicians and Therapists), not for this website or representative of this website.


All information shared for billing or for sessions is held confidential. Your personally identifiable information is never sold, traded, or given away.


However, your information is public if you chose to use any social media or posting tool on this website and Brett Francis, Not Broken® Radio or any of it's companies will not be held liable for privacy for any public posting.









This website is a place for spreading awareness, education and inspiration, also to share experiences and insight about mental health and disabilities. It is not a place to seek personal counselling, or express negative and overly critical opinions towards others and us. This website is and will continue to be a safe, helpful and positive website  ONLY for all individuals, including for us to freely have open discussion about mental health and disabilities. 


The following will not be tolerated and users/comments will be banned/deleted from this website in the event of;

  1.  Being critical of or disagreeing with 'how' individuals or we say things, we are focused on SOLELY talking openly about mental health and will not tolerate us or others being scrutinized for 'how' things are said (ALL things on this page will be posted with good intentions, every person including us have the right to express ourselves in this manner)

  2. Comments or engagements with bad or hurtful intentions

  3. Offensive or violent language

  4. Expressing negative or arguing overly critical opinions

  5. Hateful or discriminatory comments regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political beliefs, etc.

  6. Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material

  7. Violations of copyright or intellectual property rights

  8. Violations of others privacy

  9. Spam, link baiting or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices

  10.  Attacks on specific groups or any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual

  11. Selling of anything and promoting a business is not permitted. Exceptions might be a point of interest about the success and achievements of someone with mental health challenges and disabilities. This would require Admin approval.









This website is managed by a social media moderator and not directly monitored by Brett Francis. To reach Brett about her services or contact her, please use the contact form on this website HERE











Our Commitment


We are committed to protecting all personal information that we collect and store in the course of conducting business.


Why We Collect Your Information


We will collect your personal information for any of the following purposes:

To identify and communicate with you

To improve the content of our Web Page

To comply with all relevant legislation. 


We Will Obtain Your Permission


Except where authorized or required by law, we will not collect, use or disclose your personal information unless you have provided us with your consent. We will only request the information that we need for the purposes that we have identified to you. You may withdraw your consent to our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information upon receipt of reasonable and written notice. However, contractual or legal restrictions may override any such request.




This website might have included links to sites for your use and reference. We are not responsible for the privacy policies on these websites. You should be aware that the privacy policies of these sites may differ from our own.  


How We Protect Your Information


We are committed to our responsibility to ensure that your personal information remains secure. With that in mind, we will review and upgrade our storage and security systems on a regular basis. This includes all information that may have been transferred to a third party service provider. Access to your personal information will be limited to select employees within our organization. Where information must be provided to others, that information will be limited to only that which is specifically required for a particular task. We will do our best to ensure that your information is accurate and up to date. It is very important that you contact us when any changes to your personal information occur. 


Your Right of Access to Your Personal Information


You may request access to your personal information by contacting our Privacy Officer. You also have the right to know:

The methods by which we collected the information

The purposes for which we are using the information, and

To whom the information has been disclosed 


Any request that you make should be sufficiently detailed so that we may properly respond to your request. When you make a request, we will insist upon verification of your identity, either by photograph or signature. When providing your personal information, we will edit certain information as required or authorized by law, including the personal information of other individuals, information that may be subject to investigation, as well as any confidential commercial information.If you believe that any of the information that we have collected about you is inaccurate or incomplete you have the right to ask us to change it. If you feel that we have not dealt with your request to your satisfaction, you are free to follow our complaint resolution process. 


How to Register a Complaint


You may register a privacy related complaint by contacting At that time, the Privacy Officer will review the complaint procedure with you and will investigate all complaints. If a complaint proves to be justified, we will take immediate and appropriate action. 


Privacy Inquiries


To request access to your personal information, to register a privacy related complaint, or if you should have any questions regarding our Privacy Code or practices, please contact our Privacy Officer in writing on our contact form HERE.










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